Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Going nowhere

This will be a quite random post, I must warn you.

Hubby and I were talking yesterday about different ways we felt we've failed as parents. His failings, he felt, were on an intellectual level. He'd wanted to spend time teaching the kids, and felt that had he been able to spend more time doing so, our 6 year old daughter would be reading and doing math at a third grade level, and our 4 year old son would be about the level of kindergarten.

I felt bad because I'd had good intentions of getting the kids involved in causes and the community. I had envisioned afternoons spent hanging out at old folks homes, creating surrogate great-grandparents. Volunteering at homeless shelters. Getting involved in groups for civil rights, and other assorted causes. I've not even begun, and I wonder if I ever will.

Part of me thinks we should cut ourselves some slack. But on the other hand, wouldn't immersing the children in these things be good learning experiences and perhaps cause them to be better people when they are adults? Where is that line between providing good educational/learning experiences for children, and exhausting ourselves?


My son has gotten into a bad habit of getting into the refrigerator lately, and leaving the door hanging wide open. It's driving me crazy. I recently had a bout of food poisoning, and I'm terrified of food spoiling and us all getting sick, simply because he's lazy.


I've been reading a New Age-y type book involving some meditation/visualization. It sort of works. I feel like I'm doing something and having some progress, but then I fall asleep in the middle of it. I wake up in the morning remembering vague things and not being quite sure if I actually accomplished anything.

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