Thursday, August 6, 2009

Kindergarten Orientation

Today was Kindergarten Orientation day for my daughter. She was happy and surprised with the treat bag in her cubby, but has been less than enchanted as of this point.

She clung to my leg and hid behind me when we entered the classroom. She didn't play with any of the kids, not even the ones she had gone to preschool with the previous year. She kept telling me she wanted to go home. In fact, the only things that interested her were the lollipop in her treat bag, and the little nature walk next to the school. (Actually, that impressed me too! I love our school district!)

But yet, but yet -- progress. I think back to this time last year, when we attended preschool orientation. The teacher and her daddy had to pry my screaming, sobbing daughter off me to stay in the room with the other kids, while I did paperwork. I was shaken and felt like a terrible mother. What was I doing to my baby? How long has she been crying? Maybe I should keep her home another year and skip out on preschool altogether?

Now, I have a predictably nervous, anxious student waiting to go back to school. Oh, don't get me wrong -- the next few weeks will be rough. I predict lots of talking back and tantrums. But I'm growing ever more impressed with my maturing daughter.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Making Lemonade

Today was a day of hitting setbacks, and turning them into opportunities.

My daughter and I had appointments to get haircuts. Afterward, we were going to visit some family. She needs a trim before school starts, and my hair is quickly becoming a mess. I had been looking forward to this appointment, and this whole day, but somehow, time slipped away from me this morning. I found myself running late.

I get the kids quickly dressed and in the car, and head out the driveway. Except I don't. The car gives an almighty jerk, and the power steering goes out. I had to drive without it about a mile, before I could get to a turn around spot. Ever try to turn around a car with no power steering? It's not a challenge for wimps. It really took the fight out of me, and I headed home, cancelled the appointment, and made some phone calls about getting my car looked at.

I had this big day planned, and then suddenly, nothing.

I let the kids play on the computer, and I roamed about the house, looking for something to do. Eventually, I did laundry and cleaned out the car. It had been a big chore I was dreading, but now that I had nothing better to do, I finished the task in about an hour.

So what if the car is messed up? I took the reins and did something productive. That counts for something, right?

The Daddy Figure

Hubby was home over the weekend, and we had a really great visit. What really struck me was just how great a dad he is.

The whole family watched movies on the computer, while lying on our bed. The tickle monster made a brief appearance, and we were all in giggles. He's such a relaxed, fun parent.

He's an excellent teacher. He was patiently coaching my daughter's swimming technique. She can learn from him better than she can from me. My efforts with her end up with us arguing. She listens to daddy, adjusts her form, and laughs. I'll carry the memory and cherish it -- the two of them swimming in Granny's above-ground pool, laughing, coaching and learning.

He rarely loses his patience, and when he does scold the kids, ends up teaching them something. How one person's behavior affects another, or how to work Mommy to get what they want. ha.

I tell him how much he means to us. How much we lean on him and love him. I only hope he really knows it and feels how important he is to us.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Adjusting to the New Normal

A lot has happened since my last post, and this one has been a long time coming. Any followers I have will have noted a large time gap. This has been due to the fact I had some problems with my computer, and had to save up for a while to get it fixed.

I am ready now to hit the ground running, and plan on posting much more frequently.

I'm getting used to my husband being gone so much. I've always appreciated how much he has done around the house, but until now, I took it for granted. I can't mow the yard, because a.) the lawn mower is broken, and b.) I can't leave two small children alone in the house for the length of time it would take to mow the yard. So I'm having to rely on family members to mow the lawn for me.

Everyone has busy lives, and I understand this completely. However, the lawn does get out of control sometimes -- once so much that a family of skunks had decided my yard was a terrific residence for them!

Another unique problem is my daughter's behavior. She is a Daddy's Girl through and through. When Hubby leaves after a home visit, she sinks into a funk. Turns hateful. Is a monster to be around. Merciless to her brother. The amount of restraint it takes to be compassionate in the face of such beastly behavior is considerable. She and I will fight and argue, tooth and nail for at least a week after he leaves.

It really is emotionally draining. I've fallen back into some bad habits, as well, trying to deal with the strain. It's hard for me to sleep without my hubby by my side. So I end up playing on the computer until the wee hours of the morning. Trying to bring myself to the brink of exhaustion so I'll sink into sleep more quickly.

The kids will wake me up in the morning, and there I'll be, trying to muddle through my day on 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Then I do it all over again. Day after day after day. Occasionally catching a nap here or there, but mostly just toughing through it.

I guess this catches everyone somewhat up to speed on my life. Hopefully my blogs will be more entertaining from here on out, though!

**Cute story alert**

I was going to put some towels away in the bathroom. I knocked on the door and walked in, only to find my 3 year old son trying to wipe after using the potty. He's usually not one to be much concerned about privacy, so I didn't think much of it. Until he yelled, "Mooom!" in the most exasperated voice. Too cute!