Thursday, September 10, 2009

Places, please.

My goodness, I'm sorry people. It's been forever. I've just been involved in life.

Sort of like how, you think about someone you miss, and realize that because you've been so busy with your own stuff, it's been six months since you've spoken with them. Yeah.

My daughter is adjusting to kindergarten. It has it's ups and downs. Some days she'll talk about best friends. Other days she'll say no one plays with her. She doesn't like the P.E. coach's whistle. She doesn't like school. The bus ride is too long. All these little things, that I want to rush and fix for her. Because I don't know what to tell her.

How can I explain that the reason the kids she knew in preschool, who are in different kindergarten classes that she is, won't play with her? I think it has to do with feeling an inner pressure to only hang out with their own class, and not a kid outside of their class. But she doesn't "get" it.

I want to fix school for her. She has many years of school ahead of her -- too many to start disliking it at such a young age! But, she's never thrown a fit to get out of school. So, I don't know.


Other new stuff. I auditioned to be the lead singer of a band. I was excited about the opportunity, and it gave me a kick in the butt to make some changes and preparations I needed to make. I didn't get the gig, but it was exciting to step out of my rut for a while. I was glad for the experience and have no regrets about it.

One of the preparations was scheduling a preschool evaluation for my 3 year old son. I need to get a job, and I'd rather have him in preschool than daycare. I wonder how it will go. Part of me wants him to have some sort of unrecognized need, so he can get in and I won't have to pursue day care. There ARE things about him that are a little quirky, and are hard to explain to others. On the other hand, he is such a bright, intelligent boy, that I'm sure they'll say there's no need for it.

So, we'll see. I'll update you all after the evaluation. Ciao ciao.